Career Profile

I love write code for Web Development since 2012. With basic PHP, i learn by doing on my work place. Until now I have some skill on Web Development. Like HTML5, CSS3, SASS, JavaScript, jQuery for FrontEnd Development and PHP5/7 and Gulp with NodeJs for management Asset web.


Web Developer

2015 - Present
Picodio, Pakuwon City, Surabaya

Build web with CMS like Wordpress, Magento and Development Porject with Yii2 Framework.

Some case I write code custom code in Wordpress Core to build custom plugin and make rest code on my code so I can reuse my code in other project work

Web Developer

2013 - 2014
Kotawarna, Bratang, Surabaya

I write code on CakePHP Framework to build custom project from Client and build sistem Reservation Hotel


Some project Open Source I build with many Framework PHP, and You can look in My Github Page

Media Kearsipan - Custom project for media learning in SMK Jombang, build with Yii2 PHP Framework.
Perpustakaan - Custom project for perpustakaan in Jombang on Student can borrow Book, build with Yii2 PHP Framework
AllSeasons Photo - Responsive Design for Photography build with Wordpress Custom Design and Custom Plugin
NegoHotels - Responsive design website for Booking Hotel and build with Yii2 PHP Framework.
In N Out Car Wash - Web template for In N Out Car Wash build with Wordpress and Template with some custom Style
Yuwanakarya - Web template for Yuwanakarya build with Wordpress and Template with some custom Style

Skills & Proficiency

Yii2 PHP Framework


Laravel & CodeIgniter

Javascript & jQuery


Slice & Photoshop PSD